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Gas Detection Equipment

Is a Pumped Gas Monitor Right for Your Application?

Since the introduction of electronic gas detectors, workers have used gas monitors with pumps to get their jobs done safely and effectively. However,...
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Gas Detection Equipment

Corporate Master Agreements for Gas Detection Programs

In the world of industrial hygiene and workplace safety, one of the key responsibilities faced by Industrial Hygienists (IH) and Safety Managers is...
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Gas Detection Equipment

The Unseen Hazards of Wastewater Treatment Plants

You see water treatment plants and drive past them all the time. Every community has one. Chances are that a close neighbor, one of your best...
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Gas Detection Equipment

Using Infrared LEL Sensors in the Radius BZ1® Area Monitor

An infrared (IR) lower explosive limits (LEL) sensor, as opposed to a catalytic bead, works based upon the absorption of infrared radiation at...
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Gas Detection Equipment

Detecting Chlorine Dioxide with the Radius® BZ1 Area Monitor

While many people have never heard of chlorine dioxide (ClO2), many of the items we use daily are treated using ClO2. Chlorine dioxide is commonly...
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Gas Detection Equipment

Gas Detector Calibration Procedures, Requirements and Tips

Gas detector calibration is a critical aspect of maintaining your gas monitors. Gas detectors can be difficult to maintain, especially when you need...
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Gas Detection Equipment

Houston Service Team Sets the Standard for Customer Service

It was a hot and sunny Friday in Houston, and the customer service team had wrapped up work for the weekend when they received an urgent call from an...
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Gas Detection Equipment

LEL of Combustible Gas | LEL Meaning | Safe LEL Levels

What is a Combustible Gas? Combustible gas is a substance that can ignite in the presence of an ignition source, whether in air or oxygen. Hydrogen,...
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Gas Detection Equipment

LEL Gas Chart

The following LEL gas chart outlines correlation factors for combustible gas sensors.
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Gas Detection Equipment

Responding to Lone Worker Alerts with 24/7 Professional Monitoring

You’re responsible for your workers’ safety, making sure they’re not injured or worse on your watch. And when it comes to lone workers, this is even...
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