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Connected Safety

Why Executives Should Adopt a Hands-On Approach to Connected Safety

Instant visibility is the ultimate goal of any modern workplace safety solution. Visibility into the hazards faced by workers allows your company to...
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Connected Safety

Why You Should Use Plume Models for Chemical Emergency Response

A plant-wide power outage in Texas at Pasadena Refining Systems one hot July day forced the plant to flare off some product, including sulfur...
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Connected Safety

Four Problems Your Lone Workers Face - and How to Solve Them

By the time you finish reading this sentence, a person will have been hurt at work. By the time you sit down for dinner with your family, more than...
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Connected Safety

New Cellular Gas Detectors Offer Simple Connectivity

Safety professionals have the weight of the world on their shoulders these days. On top of traditional safety challenges, major changes to operations...
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Connected Safety

Thinking About 3G Safety Devices? Think Again

To help workers stay safe on the job, employers are relying more and more on connected safety devices. Workers benefit from this connectivity by...
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Connected Safety

Why You Need Connected Safety Training

Visibility has always been a challenge for safety professionals. With so many workers, regulations, and different aspects of safety to cover in so...
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Connected Safety

Prevent COVID-19 Spread: Set Boundaries and Track Worker Contact

Many industrial hygienists and safety leaders are finding themselves in a new role thanks to the spread of COVID-19: pandemic response coordinator.
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Connected Safety

Why You Need a Lone Worker Monitoring System

On a regular Tuesday afternoon, you send a maintenance contractor out to a remote station to perform a routine check on some of your equipment. Your...
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Connected Safety

A Safety Manager's Guide to Peer-to-Peer Wireless Connectivity

Every day, in facilities across the world, workers take on jobs without having all the information they need to get them done safely. More often than...
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Connected Safety

Monitoring Gas Leaks and Pinpointing the Source

Have you ever had a faucet leaking in your home and simply did not have time to fix it? You may have wrapped a rag around the base or handles to...
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