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Connected Safety

Four Problems Your Lone Workers Face - and How to Solve Them

By the time you finish reading this sentence, a person will have been hurt at work. By the time you sit down for dinner with your family, more than...
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Gas Detection Equipment

Losing Sight of Safety: Don't Rush Gas Detection

Time is money. It’s an old saying that we have heard a thousand times, but why is it so memorable? Perhaps because it’s true. The problem with this...
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Gas Detection Equipment

What You Need to Know about Gas Hazards and the Covid Vaccine

"I write this while sitting in a bed in the ER because it's that urgent. We need to get 14 more of the O2 GasBadge Pro monitors… ASAP."
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Confined Space

Five Ways to Make Confined Spaces Safer for Workers

A lot can happen in four minutes, especially when those four minutes are spent in a confined space. Confined spaces are prone to oxygen displacement,...
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Gas Detection Equipment

Common Gas Detector Sensor Types

There are two very common sensor types used in gas detectors today: catalytic diffusion sensors, and electrochemical sensors. Keep reading to learn...
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How to Solve Three Common Problems by Using a Cloud-Connected Docking Station

Managing a gas detection program can sometimes feel like rolling a boulder uphill: you need to keep gas detectors working with daily and monthly...
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Data & Analytics

Top Three Ways to Use Gas Detection Data to Improve Safety

The Top Three Ways to Use Gas Detection Data to Improve Safety To quote the famous British writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes,...
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Shutdowns & Turnarounds

Four Safety Challenges to Solve Before Your Next Turnaround

Turnarounds are among the highest stakes periods your business will ever experience. Not only are critical process units offline for weeks or even...
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Bump Testing Gas Detectors Should Be Second Nature

You don’t drive a vehicle without putting on your seat belt. You don’t go to bed at night without locking your doors. You don't leave home without...
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Gas Detection Equipment

How to Use Area Monitors in Remote or Hazardous Locations

Area monitors are a great tool that you can use to see whether gas hazards on your site could threaten workers – without sending them into harm’s way...
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