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Confined Space

A Guide to Remote Sampling in Confined Spaces

Confined spaces can be extremely dangerous—low oxygen levels, combustible gases, and toxic substances are just a few of the threats your workers may...
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Gas Detection Equipment

Detecting Chlorine Dioxide with the Radius® BZ1 Area Monitor

While many people have never heard of chlorine dioxide (ClO2), many of the items we use daily are treated using ClO2. Chlorine dioxide is commonly...
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Gas Detection Equipment

Gas Detector Calibration Procedures, Requirements and Tips

Gas detector calibration is a critical aspect of maintaining your gas monitors. Gas detectors can be difficult to maintain, especially when you need...
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Gas Detection Equipment

Houston Service Team Sets the Standard for Customer Service

It was a hot and sunny Friday in Houston, and the customer service team had wrapped up work for the weekend when they received an urgent call from an...
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Data & Analytics

How Hunting Shows the Disadvantages of Static Chemical Plume Modeling

Yes, you read that correctly—let me explain how. When I’m talking to industrial workers or safety managers in the field, they sometimes ask me why...
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Workers' Memorial Day and Our Commitment to Creating a Safer Workplace

As we observe Workers' Memorial Day this April 28th, we take a moment to honor and commemorate those who have lost their lives or been affected by...
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How Gas Detector Maintenance Services Automate Safety

If you’re reading this, you probably have a subscription to some type of product or service. Whether you get groceries shipped to your house each...
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How a Box Simplifies Gas Detector Maintenance

Whether you developed your gas detection program or inherited it from a predecessor, you’re responsible for keeping your gas monitor fleet in the...
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Gas Detection Equipment

LEL of Combustible Gas | LEL Meaning | Safe LEL Levels

What is a Combustible Gas? Combustible gas is a substance that can ignite in the presence of an ignition source, whether in air or oxygen. Hydrogen,...
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Gas Detection Equipment

LEL Gas Chart

The following LEL gas chart outlines correlation factors for combustible gas sensors.
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