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Gas Detection Equipment

What Are My Gas Detection Ownership Options?

When it comes to choosing gas detection equipment, getting the most “bang for your buck” without sacrificing worker safety is a key factor in the...
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Gas Detection Equipment

How Much Space Does an Area Monitor Cover?

In the last two years, it’s become easier than ever for companies to incorporate area monitoring in their gas detection programs. New products allow...
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Gas Detection Equipment

Carbon Monoxide vs. Carbon Dioxide: Let's Compare

What is the difference between carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide? If you confuse the two, you’re not alone. You’re probably aware that they are two...
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Gas Detection Equipment

How EMS & Fire Response Teams Handle Dangerous Levels of Carbon Monoxide

How should you handle dangerous levels of carbon monoxide? Do you call the fire department or someone else? These are important questions to know the...
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Gas Detection Equipment

Why Do I See Negative Readings on My Gas Monitor?

This is a question customers ask all the time. Why do you sometimes see negative readings on your gas monitor?
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Connected Safety

Use In-Plant Wi-fi to Simplify Live Monitoring and Improve Emergency Response

Serving as a safety manager for plant operations is a huge role, especially when you consider that it almost always includes influencing workers and...
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Connected Safety

Renting a Connected Safety Solution: A Simple Way to Offer Top-Notch Protection

With shutdowns and turnarounds right around the corner, it’s a good time to think about the gas detection equipment you need for a successful...
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Gas Detection Equipment

The Dangers of HCN Exposure During Fire Overhaul

When firefighters attack a structure fire, the hazards to life and health are obvious. The flames, the roiling smoke, and the extreme heat are clear...
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Simple Maintenance – The Most Important Feature for Fire Department Gas Detectors

As information on the hidden dangers of fire smoke proliferates, a growing number of firefighters are realizing that gas monitors are a vital part of...
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Connected Safety

The Complexity of Connected Safety Programs - Can You Hear Me Now?

These are exciting times for gas detection devices. What were once considered “electronic canaries” are now becoming bona fide connected industrial...
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