iNet Control+: The Air Traffic Control Tower of Safety Management

Data & Analytics  |   Industrial Scientific

bottom-view-of-plane-with-contrail-1436697While waiting at the airport to board your flight for your next vacation or business trip, it isn’t often that you think about the air traffic control towers and all the work air traffic controllers do to ensure passengers get from point A to point B without hiccup. They’re the unsung heroes that oversee all aspects of airport operations including flight scheduling, runway management, and communications with each airline carrier and aircraft. 

But what does that have to do with gas detection? 

On the surface. Not much. But when you start to dig deeper into a gas detection and safety management process, you can see how safety managers and industrial hygienists can also be considered the unsung heroes of their facilities by overseeing and managing all safety-related tasks in hazardous gas environments. 

However, without the right tools for the job, safety management professionals could be overwhelmed with too many alarms, long manual reporting processes, and more – meaning they’re unable to spend their time improving processes to ensure everyone goes home safely. 

That’s why Industrial Scientific developed iNet Control+, a new comprehensive management software is designed to increase safety productivity. This centralized one-stop data shop can help you do more with less and uncover insights to drive impact. With one solution that covers it all, you can streamline safety management processes, reduce downtime and alarm fatigue, improve compliance, mitigate risks, and more. 

Read on to discover how much an air traffic controller and safety manager may have in common when using the right tools for the job. 

Centralized Visibility 

Airport control towers provide air traffic controllers with a centralized view of all air traffic in the vicinity of an airport. This allows them to track the location and movements of aircraft, and to identify and respond to potential conflicts. Air traffic controllers are also able to lock in their schedules early in the day and are alerted when those schedules need to change due to delayed aircrafts from weather, mechanical issues, and more. 

iNet Control Plus HeaderSimilarly, with iNet Control+, you can control and simplify your processes by easily managing all your equipment and people from a single dashboard. This can include equipment status, worker behavior, and alarms. By using one dashboard, safety managers can spend less time on day-to-day admin work for their gas detection program by scheduling calibrations and updates, bulk assigning settings to a group of monitors, verifying configuration settings, and locking configurations so they don’t change throughout the day. 

Looking deeper into iNet Control+’ centralized visibility capabilities, you can: 

  • Reduce incident reporting time by up to 8 hours with standard report templates with BI-assisted drilldowns. This eliminates the need to manually compile data and export it to external systems, freeing up time to focus on more important tasks. 
  • Reduce unplanned rework of deployment by 2 hours per job with the interactive device placement tool.  This tool allows you to visualize your device placements and daily alarms, as well as identify potential problems before they occur, helping to ensure that your deployments are efficient and accurate. 
  • Access prioritized alarms faster and reduce alarm noise by 10x with severity rankings assign to alarms based on aggregation, duration, and cross-contamination. This helps you quickly identify the most important alarms and respond accordingly, reducing the risk of missed alarms and incidents. 
  • Reduce product exchange processing by 50% to get more devices to your site faster. By receiving and deploying your equipment faster, this helps to minimize downtime and keep your workers safe. 

Decision Support 

Beyond scheduling each aircraft and ensuring runways are clear, airport control towers provide air traffic controllers with decision support tools that includes radar and weather data. This allows them to make informed decisions about how to manage air traffic flow and if any delays are necessary to protect both cabin crews and passengers. 

Similarly, iNet Control+ provides safety personnel with decision support tools and compliance tools so users can unlock safety excellence and achieve top-notch safety performance with data-driven insights. Examples of this include: 

  • Increase bump and calibration compliance with root cause analysis layered on interactive BI dashboards. Root cause analysis helps you understand the primary causes of compliance issues so you can take corrective action as needed. This makes it easy to track compliance rates and identify areas for improvement. 
  • Use dashboard data to identify risky behaviors and intervene before it's too late. This data can be used to identify risky behaviors, such as not wearing a monitor or using the wrong monitor for the job. Safety personnel can then intervene before an incident occurs. Overall, this provides real-time insights into worker behavior and equipment performance. 
  • Access "highlight reels" to target site and process wins and areas for improvement. This makes it easy to identify areas where your organization is excelling and areas where there is room for improvement. 

The Future of Safety Management 

Just as a control tower oversees all aspects of airport operations, iNet Control+ is a site safety management solution that acts as a centralized hub for overseeing and managing safety-related tasks in hazardous gas environments. 

The solution offers real-time data, coordination, visibility, and safety management tools safety managers and industrial hygienists need to keep the workers at their facilities safe.  

If you are interested in learning more about how iNet Control+ can help improve your safety performance, talk to an expert today.